“Metro Vancouver has been noted for its ability to accommodate growth while maintaining good quality of life for residents. Still, the region faces challenges in pursuing the goals of the recently-approved Regional Growth Strategy, which helps ensure that regional land use patterns help create vibrant, accessible communities and support transit, walking, and cycling throughout the region.
Melbourne is considered one of the most livable cities in the world. It has garnered considerable recognition for its success over the last 25 years in transforming the centre of Melbourne from a car-oriented office core to a dynamic, mixed-use community with a vibrant public realm.
In this public lecture, which took place on October 4, 2011, at Simon Fraser University’s Vancouver campus, Rob Adams, the director of city design for Melbourne, shared some of his experiences in leading this transformation. He also discussed how Melbourne’s success could be applied to development in Metro Vancouver’s key centres.
To find out more about courses, programs, public lectures, and other professional development opportunities in urban design, sustainable community development, transportation, real estate, and more at SFU Continuing Studies, visit our website.”