This infographic from NPR shows how cities look head to head in terms of work and play, looking at the number of bars, the quality of public transit, density, tousism, and other interesting indicators.
There's been a lot of buzz lately about parking. Fueled in part by Donald Shoup's acclaimed The High Cost of Free Parking, many people have been taking a look at how ridiculous the parking situation actually is...
An emerging field of study in the realm of urban issues has been that of food source planning. Not only are areas becoming more focused on local, sustainable food, but there is a growing movement to educate peo...
While we see a lot of architect star power, we don't always see planners getting the same due. While planning has only been considered a profession by trade since the 19th century, city planners have been at wo...
People For Bikes makes no attempt to hide their agenda: more bikes, in more places, with more people riding them. This infographic from them highlights that the issue is more than just new bike ownership, and t...
This infographic from aims to bring awareness to the dangers of being a pedestrian in contemporary society. Good statistics as well as tips for both drivers and pedestrians on how to make the roa...
While property is more expensive in cities than in suburban and rural areas, another contributing factor to the high cost of rent is the zoning laws. These laws can drive up prices of the property taxes, and th...
Many golf tips related to swing tempo center around the comparison between the backswing and the downswing. If the initial backswing is unresponsive, then it is more difficult to maintain the correct tempo in t...